Health, Safety and Environmental policy

It is the policy of AL WAQAR to regard the promotion of health, safety, welfare and environmental measures as a mutual objective of the company, its employees at all levels and any other persons affected by al Waqar operation. The prime responsibility for safe operation and place of work rest clearly upon all sections of management.

This policy is the direct concern of Al Waqar senior management and the safety advisers. They are accountable to Al Waqar directors for its overall implementation.

Al Waqar is fully committed to giving the highest priority to safeguarding the health and safety of employees and all who may be associated with its activities.

Al Waqar believes that the prevention of accidents and loss or damage to property is an integral part of its management operation.

Every effort will be made including the allocation of adequate resources to ensure compliance with statutory obligation, in order to provide a healthy and safe environment for employees and others who may be affected by company operations.


Al Waqar will ensure, so far is reasonably practicable, safe places and system of work, the provision of safe plant and machinery, the safe handling of materials and the provision of adequate safety equipment. It will also ensure that adequate information, instruction, training and supervision are given to employees to enable them to perform their duties safely.